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Friday, March 6, 2020

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC – Cheats

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas PC – Cheats


  • Plain Text Cheat Codes

    Type these codes during gameplay; a message will confirm correct code entry. Codes are not case sensitive, and all of the below are written in uppercase.

    Note that many of these cheats have equivalents in the "random text cheat code" list further down the page (though each set has a few that is unique to it). The plain text cheats are simply easier to remember most of the time, and most of the random text cheats are simply shorter.
    Gameplay Speed Cheats: Slow DownSLOWITDOWN
    Gameplay Speed Cheats: Speed UpSPEEDITUP
    Gang Cheats: Gang wars everywhere (can be toggled)ONLYHOMIESALLOWED
    Gang Cheats: No pedestrians aside from gang members having gunfightsBETTERSTAYINDOORS
    Gang Cheats: Recruit anyone, with a rocket launcherROCKETMAYHEM
    Gang Cheats: Recruit anyone, with an AK-47NOONECANSTOPUS
    Gang Cheats: Recruit anyone, with pistolsWANNABEINMYGANG
    Misc. Cheats: Beach Theme (changes CJ's outfit, pedestrian apparel, and traffic)LIFESABEACH
    Misc. Cheats: Carnival/Circus Theme (CJ is a clown, pedestrians are mostly fast-food workers and clowns, traffic is mostly fast food vehicles)CRAZYTOWN
    Misc. Cheats: Pimp Theme (CJ wears a gimp suit, pedestrians are mostly pimps and prostitutes with sex toys, prostitutes follow CJ)LOVECONQUERSALL
    Misc. Cheats: Rural Theme (CJ is a trucker, pedestrians become those mostly seen in rural areas)HICKSVILLE
    Misc. Cheats: Triad Theme (CJ has a katana, pedestrians are mostly Triads, and most traffic is motorbikes)NINJATOWN
    Pedestrian Cheats: Chaos & Mayhem (note: cheat is permanent and can make a late-game mission impossible to finish)ROUGHNEIGHBOURHOOD
    Pedestrian Cheats: Elvis is everywhereBLUESUEDESHOES
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrian RiotSTATEOFEMERGENCY
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrians Attack YouSTOPPICKINGONME
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrians attack you with gunsATTACKOFTHEVILLAGEPEOPLE
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrians Have WeaponsSURROUNDEDBYNUTTERS
    Player Cheats: AdrenalineANOSEONGLASS (or) TAKEACHILLPILL
    Player Cheats: CJ can jump really high (be wary of fall damage)KANGAROO
    Player Cheats: Commit SuicideGOODBYECRUELWORLD
    Player Cheats: Full Weapon Aiming in VehcilesIWANNADRIVEBY
    Player Cheats: Get full health and armor, and obtain $250,000INEEDSOMEHELP
    Player Cheats: Hitman on All WeaponsPROFESSIONALKILLER
    Player Cheats: Infinite AmmoFULLCLIP
    Player Cheats: Infinite Lung Capacity (note: you this only makes your air not drain underwater; you still must boost your capacity for some missions)MANFROMATLANTIS
    Player Cheats: Maximum Driving SkillNATURALTALENT
    Player Cheats: Maximum FatWHOATEALLTHEPIES
    Player Cheats: Maximum MuscleBUFFMEUP
    Player Cheats: Maximum RespectWORSHIPME
    Player Cheats: Maximum Sex AppealHELLOLADIES
    Player Cheats: Maximum StaminaICANGOALLNIGHT
    Player Cheats: Never HungryIAMNEVERHUNGRY
    Player Cheats: Obtain a jetpackROCKETMAN
    Player Cheats: Obtain a parachuteLETSGOBASEJUMPING
    Player Cheats: Semi-invincibility (cannot be damaged by fire or guns, but still are hurt by explosions, falling, police helicopters, and drowning)NOONECANHURTME
    Player Cheats: Super Punch (CJ knocks people he punches very far away, instantly killing them)STINGLIKEABEE
    Player Cheats: Zero Fat & MuscleLEANANDMEAN
    Time Cheats: Time Goes Faster (can be toggled)TIMEJUSTFLIESBY
    Time Cheats: Time is stuck at dusk (21:00, i.e. 9 PM)DONTBRINGONTHENIGHT
    Time Cheats: Time is stuck at midnight (00:00)NIGHTPROWLER
    Traffic Cheats: Aggressive DriversALLDRIVERSARECRIMINALS
    Traffic Cheats: All Green LightsDONTTRYANDSTOPME
    Traffic Cheats: Black CarsSOLONGASITSBLACK
    Traffic Cheats: Pink CarsPINKISTHENEWCOOL
    Traffic Cheats: Traffic is mostly rural vehiclesEVERYONEISPOOR
    Traffic Cheats: Traffic is mostly sports carsEVERYONEISRICH
    Traffic Cheats: Traffic very rarely spawns; parked cars still spawn howeverGHOSTTOWN
    Vehicle Cheats: All cars have nitroSPEEDREAK
    Vehicle Cheats: Bicycles take massive bunny hopsCJPHONEHOME
    Vehicle Cheats: Boats can flyFLYINGFISH
    Vehicle Cheats: Cars can flyCHITTYCHITTYBANGBANG
    Vehicle Cheats: Cars you run into explode on contact; your car is invincible (but said invincibility sometimes randomly turns off)TOUCHMYCARYOUDIE
    Vehicle Cheats: Colliding with other cars makes them float awayBUBBLECARS
    Vehicle Cheats: Explode All CarsALLCARSGOBOOM
    Vehicle Cheats: Invisible CarsWHEELSONLYPLEASE
    Vehicle Cheats: Perfect HandlingSTICKLIKEGLUE
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Caddy18HOLES
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: DozerITSALLBULL
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: HunterOHDUDE
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: HydraJUMPJET
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Monster TruckMONSTERMASH
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: QuadbikeFOURWHEELFUN
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Race Car (#1)OLDSPEEDDEMON
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Race Car (#3)NOTFORPUBLICROADS (or) VROCKPOKEY
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Race Car (#4)JUSTTRYANDSTOPME
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: RancherDOUGHNUTHANDICAP
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: RhinoTIMETOKICKASS
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Romero (Hearse)WHERESTHEFUNERAL
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: StretchCELEBRITYSTATUS
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: StuntplaneFLYINGTOSTUNT
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Tanker with trailerHITTHEROADJACK
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: TrashmasterTRUEGRIME
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: VortexIWANTTOHOVER
    Wanted Level Cheats: 6 Star Wanted LevelBRINGITON
    Wanted Level Cheats: Get rid of your Wanted LevelTURNDOWNTHEHEAT
    Wanted Level Cheats: Raise Wanted Level by 2TURNUPTHEHEAT
    Wanted Level Cheats: Wanted Level locks at its current stateIDOASIPLEASE
    Weapon Cheats: Obtain Weapon Set 1THUGSARMOURY
    Weapon Cheats: Obtain Weapon Set 2PROFESSIONALSKIT
    Weapon Cheats: Obtain Weapon Set 3NUTTERSTOYS
    Weather Cheats: CloudyDULLDULLDAY
    Weather Cheats: FoggyCANTSEEWHEREIMGOING
    Weather Cheats: RainySTAYINANDWATCHTV
    Weather Cheats: SandstormSANDINMYEARS
    Weather Cheats: StormySCOTTISHSUMMER
    Weather Cheats: SunnyPLEASANTLYWARM
    Weather Cheats: Very SunnyTOODAMNHOT
  • Random Text Cheat Codes

    Type these codes during gameplay; a message will confirm correct code entry. Codes are not case sensitive, and all of the below are written in uppercase.

    Note that many of these cheats have equivalents in the "plain text cheat code" list above (though each set has a few that is unique to it). The plain text cheats are simply easier to remember most of the time, and most of the random text cheats are simply shorter.
    Gameplay Speed Cheats: Slow DownLIYOAAY
    Gameplay Speed Cheats: Speed UpPPGWJHT
    Gang Cheats: Gang members spawn fasterMROEMZH
    Gang Cheats: No pedestrians aside from gang members having gunfightsBIFBUZZ
    Gang Cheats: Recruit anyone, with a rocket launcherZSOXFSQ
    Gang Cheats: Recruit anyone, with an AK-47BMTPWHR
    Gang Cheats: Recruit anyone, with pistolsSJMAHPE
    Misc. Cheats: Beach Theme (changes CJ's outfit, pedestrian apparel, and traffic)CIKGCGX
    Misc. Cheats: Carnival/Circus Theme (CJ is a clown, pedestrians are mostly fast-food workers and clowns, traffic is mostly fast food vehicles)PRIEBJ
    Misc. Cheats: Pimp Theme (CJ wears a gimp suit, pedestrians are mostly pimps and prostitutes with sex toys, prostitutes follow CJ)BEKKNQV
    Misc. Cheats: Rural Theme (CJ is a trucker, pedestrians become those mostly seen in rural areas)FVTMNBZ
    Misc. Cheats: Traffic and pedestrians very rarely spawn; parked cars still spawn howeverTHGLOJ
    Misc. Cheats: Triad Theme (CJ has a katana, pedestrians are mostly Triads, and most traffic is motorbikes)AFPHULTL
    Pedestrian Cheats: Chaos & Mayhem (note: cheat is permanent and can make a late-game mission impossible to finish)AJLOJYQY
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrian Riot (can be toggled)IOJUFZN
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrians attack youBAGOWPG
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrians attack you with gunsBGLUAWML
    Pedestrian Cheats: Pedestrians have weaponsFOOOXFT
    Player Cheats: Adrenaline EffectMUNASEF
    Player Cheats: Commit SuicideSZCMAWO
    Player Cheats: Full Weapon Aiming in VehcilesOUIQDMW
    Player Cheats: Get full health and armor, and obtain $250,000HESOYAM
    Player Cheats: Hitman on All WeaponsNCSGDAG
    Player Cheats: Infinite AmmoWANRLTW
    Player Cheats: Infinite Lung Capacity (note: you this only makes your air not drain underwater; you still must boost your capacity for some missions)CVWKXAM
    Player Cheats: Maximum Driving SkillVQIMAHA
    Player Cheats: Maximum FatBTCDBCB
    Player Cheats: Maximum MuscleJYSDSOD
    Player Cheats: Maximum RespectOGXSDAG
    Player Cheats: Maximum Sex AppealEHIBXQS
    Player Cheats: Maximum StaminaVKYPQCF
    Player Cheats: Never HungryAEDUWNV
    Player Cheats: Obtain a jetpackYECGAA
    Player Cheats: Obtain a parachuteAIYPWZQP
    Player Cheats: Semi-invincibility (cannot be damaged by fire or guns, but still are hurt by explosions, falling, police helicopters, and drowning)BAGUVIX
    Player Cheats: Super Punch (CJ knocks people he punches very far away, instantly killing them)IAVENJQ
    Player Cheats: Zero Fat & MuscleKVGYZQK
    Time Cheats: Fast WeatherYSOHNUL
    Time Cheats: Time is stuck at dusk (21:00, i.e. 9 PM)OFVIAC
    Time Cheats: Time is stuck at midnight (00:00)XJVSNAJ
    Traffic Cheats: Aggressive DriversYLTEICZ
    Traffic Cheats: All Green LightsZEIIVG
    Traffic Cheats: Black CarsIOWDLAC
    Traffic Cheats: Pink CarsLLQPFBN
    Traffic Cheats: Primarily beater/cheap cars spawnBGKGTJH
    Traffic Cheats: Traffic is mostly rural vehiclesKKZRPKW
    Traffic Cheats: Traffic is mostly sports carsGUSNDHE
    Vehicle Cheats: All cars have nitroCOXEFGU
    Vehicle Cheats: Bicycles take massive bunny hopsJHJOECW
    Vehicle Cheats: Boats can flyAFSNMSMW
    Vehicle Cheats: Cars can flyRIPAZHA
    Vehicle Cheats: Cars you run into explode on contact; your car is invincible (but said invincibility sometimes randomly turns off)JCNRUAD
    Vehicle Cheats: Colliding with other cars makes them float awayBSXSGGC
    Vehicle Cheats: Explode All CarsCPKTNWT
    Vehicle Cheats: Invisible CarsXICWMD
    Vehicle Cheats: Perfect HandlingPGGOMOY
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Bloodring BangerCQZIJMB
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: CaddyRZHSUEW
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: DozerEEGCYXT
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Hotring Racer APDNEJOH
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Hotring Racer BVPJTQWV
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Monster TruckAGBDLCID
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: QuadbikeAKJJYGLC
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: RancherJQNTDMH
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: RhinoAIWPRTON
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: RomeroAQTBCODX
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: StretchKRIJEBR
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: StuntplaneURKQSRK
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: Tanker with trailerAMOMHRER
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: TrashmasterUBHYZHQ
    Vehicle Spawn Cheats: VortexKGGGDKP
    Wanted Level Cheats: 6 Star Wanted LevelLJSPQK
    Wanted Level Cheats: Get rid of your Wanted LevelASNAEB
    Wanted Level Cheats: Raise Wanted Level by 2OSRBLHH
    Wanted Level Cheats: Wanted Level locks at its current stateAEZAKMI
    Weapon Cheats: Obtain Weapon Set 1LXGIWYL
    Weapon Cheats: Obtain Weapon Set 2KJKSZPJ
    Weapon Cheats: Obtain Weapon Set 3UZUMYMW
    Weather Cheats: CloudyALNSFMZO
    Weather Cheats: FoggyCFVFGMJ
    Weather Cheats: RainyAUIFRVQS
    Weather Cheats: SandstormCWJXUOC
    Weather Cheats: StormyMGHXYRM
    Weather Cheats: SunnyAFZLLQLL
    Weather Cheats: Very SunnyICIKPYH


  • Early and riskfree exploration

    During the mission "Reuniting the Families", you have to shoot down a group of SWAT team and then enter the motel to save Sweet. Beating the SWAT, instead of getting into the motel, you can travel all around the entire map and enter all the restricted areas like the military base and the maps that are locked. You will have no wanted level and no cops will chase you. You can explore the entire map freely without taking risk. This is the best time to confirm vehicle and item locations and to collect the snapshots, oysters and horseshoes.

  • Free Vehicle Repair

    For free and fast car repair, park your car in one of your garages, back away to let the door close, then step torwards the garage so the door opens again. The car will be instantly repaired of all dents, etc.
    This is especially useful if you have an expensive modded car that you want to keep for certain ingame stats.

  • NOS recharge without waiting.

    Instead of having to wait for the NOS to recharge to use again, exit then enter the car, and you can use the NOS again.

  • Restricted areas open for you

    During Woozie's mission "Amphibian Assault", the wanted level system is disabled. You can now travel everywhere in the game including the restricted areas like the Eastern naval base and all police stations without the cops chasing you. This is time to collect the two oysters in the extremely dangerous naval base without being shot.


  • ''Hidden Package'' Rewards

    Collect all the "hidden packages" in their respective areas to get these weapons...
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    MP5, Satchel Charge, M4, and Combat Shotgun at The Four Dragons Casino in Las VenturasCollect all 50 Horseshoes in Las Venturas
    Sniper Rifle, Grenades, Shotgun, and Micro-SMG at CJ's Garage in San FierroSnap all 50 Snapshots in San Fierro
    Tec-9, AK-47, Sawn-off Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails at CJ's house in GantonSpray all 100 Graffiti Tags in Los Santos

  • 100% completition Bonus

    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Hydra spawns at CJ's house in Grove Streetcomplete the game 100%
    increased moneycomplete the game 100%
    increased statscomplete the game 100%
    Rhino spawns at CJ's house in Grove Streecomplete the game 100%

  • Assets

    Complete the assets missions/objectives to get money made at that location
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Airstrip AssetComplete the Missions for the Airstrip
    Burger Shot AssetComplete all 4 Deliveries in Las Venturas
    Hippy Shopper AssetComplete all 4 Deliveries in San Fierro
    Roboi's Food Mart AssetComplete all 4 Deliveries in Los Santos
    The Johnson HouseTake Over Territories in Los Santos
    Vank Hoff Hotel Valet Parking AssetComplete all 5 Levels of Valet Parking in San Fierro
    Wang Cars AssetComplete the missions for this asset, plus the cars you steal will spawn inside the showroom
    Zero's RC Shop AssetComplete all of the RC Shop missions

  • Bonus 1.000.000$

    Locations are marked with checkered flag. See radar or map.
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    1.000.000$ bonusFinish all races 1st (four locations)

  • Dual Weildable Weapons

    Get these weapons to Hitman to Dual Weild them
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Dual Micro-SMG'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"
    Dual Pistol'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"
    Dual Sawn-off Shotgun'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"
    Dual Tec-9'sReach the Gun Rank "Hitman"

  • Girlfriend Perks

    Unlock all restricted zones.
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Free Pay-and-SprayDate Michelle and you can use her Garage as a Pay-and-Spray
    Keep weapons after being BustedDate Barbara
    Keep weapons after being WastedDate Katie
    Pistol, Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktails, and Flame ThrowerDate Helena(you can find the weapons in a big shed by her house)
    Police UniformDate Barbara to 100%

  • Girlfriends Cars

    These cars are obtained through getting the girfriends to %50...
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    BanditoDate Helena (Her car doesn't have any doors)
    Green HustlerDate Denise to %50
    Monster TruckDate Michelle to %50
    Pink ClubDate Millie to %50
    Police RangerDate Barbara to %50
    White RomeroDate Katie to %50

  • Infinite sprint

    Complete the Burglary mission by having C.J. steal $10,000 worth of stuff.
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Infinite SprintComplete the Burglary mission

  • Unlimited ammo

    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Unlimited ammoComplete the game 100% (get 100% on the stat Progress Made)


  • Basketball Tricks

    Click the left mouse button while playing basketball to do tricks with the ball.

  • Choose size of the Moon

    Shoot it with sniper to make it change size from bigger to smaller and vice versa.

  • Edit the stats of any vehicle in game.

    First browse to your GTA:SA isntall directory, it will look something like this:
    C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\
    Then go to the data directory. MAKE A BACKUP OF ANY FILES BEFORE YOU EDIT THEM. To edit the vehicle stats, open the handling.cfg file in notepad. As you can see, all the info on every vehicle in in there. Follow the instructions in the comments to find out how to edit it.
    You can do anyuthing like make a Rhino as light as a PCJ600 and control just as well.
    Basically, you can edit anything in the game from these files. Just be careful what you edit and leave them as sane values to prevent glitches.

  • Free Money

    Go to a strip club and stand in front of a stripper when the people watching them gives them money CJ will take it instead since you are where they put the money

  • Save two cars in your garage

    This works in the same way as the previous games. Normally you can only save one car in your garage, but with this you can save two or more! All you have to do is get your two or however many cars and bring them up to your garage. Drive one of them until the garage door opens, and then drive it half way in and get out of the car. This will keep the door open for you. Next, get into the other car and drive that all the way into the garage. Then get into the car half way in and drive it the rest of the way in and get out and leave the garage. Et viola! You now have two cars stored in your garage!

  • Stop gang attack on your territory.

    To stop other gangs from attacking your territory, just save you game, this will stop the gang war and you won't have to fight them. Also if you visit places very far away than no gang war will be provoked.

  • Unlockable Outfits

    These are all the Unlockable Outfits in the game...
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    Croupier UniformComplete the mission "Breaking the bank at Caligula's"
    Gimp SuitComplete the mission "The Key to her Heart"
    Medic UniformDate Katie to %100
    Overall's OutfitDate Helena to %100
    Pimp SuitDate Denise to %100
    Police UniformDate Barbara to %100
    Racing OutfitDate Michelle to %100
    Valet UniformComplete the mission "555-WE-TIP"

  • Vehicle Side-Mission Unlockables

    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    $50,000 & Free Train RidesComplete all 2 Levels of the Freight Train Missions
    Armor get raised to MaximumComplete all 12 Levels of the Vigilante Missions
    CJ becomes FireproofComplete all 12 Levels of the Firetruck Missions
    Entertaining prositutes earns you money (instead of taking it away)Complete level 10 of the pimping missions
    Health get raised to MaximumComplete all 12 Levels of the Paramedic Missions
    Nirto on all Taxis/Cabbies and Taxi's and Cabbies can HopSuccesfully Transport 50 People(Complete 50 Fares)
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